MIHO MUSEUM participated in a team project
Responsibility : 建築設計監理、展示計画、サイン計画、備品デザインなど
Parisのルーブル美術館を設計した巨匠 I.M.Pei 氏による美術館。その桃源郷というコンセプトを具現化するために、山中においてトンネルを抜け、橋を渡った先に、体積の8割を地中に埋め、数多くの美術品を展示している。大学院生時代から準備作業に関わり、卒業後はそのままプロジェクトチームに参加。最年少者スタッフとして、設計監理、展示計画、サイン計画、備品デザインなどを担当。
This is the museum designed by the I.M.Pei who is the maestro and also famous of the designer for the glass Pyramid of Louvre Museum in Paris. To realize the concept of TOGENKYO, hidden paradise, the museum is located at the end of the bridge connecting to the tunnel in the mountain area. The 80 percent of the building volume, displayed many piece of art, is under the ground. I was involved in the project since the preparation stage when graduated school student and joined the project team just after graduation. As the youngest member of the team, I worked for architectural design and site observation, display planning, sign plan and facility design.
I am not who I am if I didn't work on this project and share the special time with I.M. Pei. I really appreciate this fantastic start of my career.